Sunday, March 1, 2020

聞く宿題:Fate/Zero's Climaxing

Image result for fate/zero kiritsugu
I watched 4 episodes (don't have much left until I can watch Unlimited Blade Works and then Heaven's Feel). Most of what I saw was Kiritsugu's backstory, which...was interesting in certain aspects. It certainly explained specific things and characteristics. On a more amusing note, however, there was something in one of the episodes that made way more sense in anything that wasn't Japanese. A young girl in Kiritsugu's youth couldn't pronounce his name properly, so she nicknamed him Kerry. The problem is that this conversation is obviously voiced in Japanese if you're watching the subbed version, so hearing someone say "Kerry" in Japanese (amongst other things) and say that they cannot pronounce "Kiritsugu" feels strange to me.

Beyond that, I enjoyed it. The show is certainly getting into it's final stages in a wonderfully engaging way. I look forward to seeing how everything falls apart.