Sunday, April 28, 2019

私のホームタウン (4/28/19)



Monday, April 22, 2019



I watched the second half of the only season of No Game No Life this Easter Break. The show is about a pair of siblings who are effectively the best at games on the planet being transported to a world that relies on games and challenges to decide literally everything. Their goal after arriving is to challenge the god of the world, Tet, to a game and win, as they have never lost a game together and because they feel like it.

The second half of the show consists of them attempting to acquire the support of another race (which is how the various beings organize themselves) via a rather reckless (but effective) challenge in order to move forward in their challenge to Tet. As a result of my study of Japanese, I was better able to follow the flow of dialogue amongst characters. Some of the phrases and other words made more contextual sense to me. I greatly enjoyed watching the show play out and share in the sentiment that there really should be a second season. The ending can be reduced to sequel bait to be honest.

Regardless, I enjoyed it. It was certainly a fun show to watch, and the animation was fantastic.

Sunday, April 7, 2019


こんしゅまつはにほんクラブのイベントがありました。イリノイしゅうのシカゴにいきました。はっきり(To be exact)、どようびにミツワにいきました。ミツワはにほんのスーパーです。あそこでたくさんたべもの(food)をかいました(bought)。そして、もっとにほんのたべものをたべました。とてもたのしくて(fun/enjoyable)おもしろい(interesting)でした。にほんごをよみました。いいれんしゅうですよ。
そして、きんようびににほんのレストランでばんごはんをたべましたが、カラオケをしました。わたしはレストランでどんぶりをたべました。おいしかったですよ。たべるのあとで、カラオケをしました。うたう(To sing/Singing)のはゆかかった(joyful/amusing)です。