Monday, November 18, 2019


Image result for gosick ed 2"


This song is great. This anime is also great. I could be biased because I liked it when I was younger (and could therefore have faulty judgment), but it really was quality. I actually original found it as a result of reading an English translation of one of the novels that my teacher just happened to have for some strange reason. The anime was advertised on it, so I looked into it and ended up enjoying it a lot.

I won't provide a recommendation here since that's not what this post is about (and I do not know where it would fall in my current standards), but Gosick is certainly worth looking into.

Anyway, the song, Unity, is just an excellent song overall (even with the spontaneous English). It sets a quality tone for the context that it comes into and the singer has a satisfying voice to help support it.


Monday, November 11, 2019


It's a pretty casual anime.

I only watched the first episode, but the show is about camping. From what I can gather, the cast is high school aged, and the main character often goes camping alone and will probably discover over the course of the show that it can be fun to go camping with other people. The dialogue is extremely casual, so I suppose it would be quality study material for conversations and whatnot.

I'll formulate an actual opinion later. I haven't watched enough.

Monday, November 4, 2019



Image result for final fantasy iv

Tsuki no Akari (Theme of Love) is a really nice song. Final Fantasy in general has phenomenal music, and this song is no exception (Nobuo Uematsu is a genius, truly an outstanding video game composer). I need to start translating songs again and study the vocab from them, there’s some very interesting and useful words/grammar points that come up in music.

There are also a lot of beautifully put together covers of the song, instrumental or otherwise. They're worth looking into as well.
