Tuesday, December 10, 2019



I decided to translate Federico Garcia Lorca's "Córdoba" into Japanese. It's a Spanish poem that I studied in my high school Spanish classes. I enjoyed it when I first read it in Spanish, so I thought that it would be interesting to translate it into Japanese. I often point out how Japanese, at times, feels very similar to Spanish to me, which contributed to the decision. After translating the poem, I found that the general cadence and other particularities were similar between my translation and the original Spanish. My translation, the original Spanish, and an English translation are below for those interested.

















Distant and lonely.

Black steed, big moon,

and olives in my saddlebag.

Although I know the roads

I will never reach Córdoba.

Across the plains, through the wind

Black steed, red moon.

Death is staring at me

from the towers of Córdoba.

Oh, how long the road is!

Oh, my valiant steed!

Oh, death awaits me,

before I reach Córdoba.


Distant and lonely.



Lejana y sola.

Jaca negra, luna grande,

Y aceitunas en mi alforja.

Aunque sepa los caminos

yo nunca llegaré a Córdoba

Por el llano, por el viento

Jaca negra, luna roja.

La muerte me está mirando

desde las torres de Córdoba.

¡Ay qué camino tan largo!

¡Ay mi jaca valerosa

¡Ay que la muerte me espera,

antes de llegar de Córdoba!


Lejana y sola.


Image result for yuru camp episode 3

I watched episodes 2 and 3 of Yuru Camp sometime slightly after seeing episode 1, but I've been rather occupied and kept putting off posts, so I'm just going to put them all up in a short period of time.

Honestly, there isn't much to say other than it's really good practice for understanding casual Japanese. It's an overall wholesome show, but my full opinion has yet to develop. I probably won't finish it for a while.

Monday, November 18, 2019


Image result for gosick ed 2"


This song is great. This anime is also great. I could be biased because I liked it when I was younger (and could therefore have faulty judgment), but it really was quality. I actually original found it as a result of reading an English translation of one of the novels that my teacher just happened to have for some strange reason. The anime was advertised on it, so I looked into it and ended up enjoying it a lot.

I won't provide a recommendation here since that's not what this post is about (and I do not know where it would fall in my current standards), but Gosick is certainly worth looking into.

Anyway, the song, Unity, is just an excellent song overall (even with the spontaneous English). It sets a quality tone for the context that it comes into and the singer has a satisfying voice to help support it.


Monday, November 11, 2019


It's a pretty casual anime.

I only watched the first episode, but the show is about camping. From what I can gather, the cast is high school aged, and the main character often goes camping alone and will probably discover over the course of the show that it can be fun to go camping with other people. The dialogue is extremely casual, so I suppose it would be quality study material for conversations and whatnot.

I'll formulate an actual opinion later. I haven't watched enough.

Monday, November 4, 2019



Image result for final fantasy iv

Tsuki no Akari (Theme of Love) is a really nice song. Final Fantasy in general has phenomenal music, and this song is no exception (Nobuo Uematsu is a genius, truly an outstanding video game composer). I need to start translating songs again and study the vocab from them, there’s some very interesting and useful words/grammar points that come up in music.

There are also a lot of beautifully put together covers of the song, instrumental or otherwise. They're worth looking into as well.


Monday, October 28, 2019



Steins;Gate is ridiculously good, which is honestly kind of necessary given that it involves time manipulation and whatnot. I enjoyed the more dramatic speaking style of the main character and the wide range of personalities on the cast. It was quality listening practice. The backdrop of Akihabara was nice because I understood the larger context of the environment and the various people/groups in the show.

Also I really like the music. It's so nice.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


Image result for raon lee


It was nice to see that some of the other lyrics tied into various parts of the story. Alongside that, I generally enjoy listening to music in Japanese since some of the language (in terms of grammar and vocabulary) is different.

Raon Lee, the woman who did this particular cover, has done plenty of other covers as well, which is why I already know of her. I haven’t heard any other covers of this song, so I cannot attest to its quality relative to other people’s interpretations, but she’s pretty good at what she does.


Sunday, October 6, 2019


Image result for steins gate numbers


I'm not going to embarrass myself or misrepresent the anime by attempting to explain it in 日本語.

The short of it is that the show covers the concept of chaos theory and causality by means of, initially, minor ripples in the past caused by present actions, subsequently changing that present and any variable futures. I quite like it and its endearing cast. More things are occurring at the part that I'm at, so I look forward to finishing it at some point.

The subject matter of the show obviously contained a lot of vocabulary that I really have no business knowing, but I still followed the grammatical structure of the, sentences and understood sentences that weren't highly scientific and technical.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Image result for sapporo


Sunday, September 22, 2019




じゃあ、まだ早いからまちます。 もっと楽しくなるでしょう。

Monday, September 16, 2019


The episode for this week was also well-designed. Due to the lack of serious fighting, the episode included more character-driven interactions and comedy, which was also stunningly animated. I appreciate the fact that Ufotable puts such effort into exaggerating the already intensely melodramatic actions of some characters (almost always Zenitsu).

In contrast to the previous episode, there was more casual speech (convenient timing). It was fairly straightforward, but I still found it good for practice.

My recommendation from the previous post still stands. There are two more episodes remaining from my understanding, so Ufotable might be taking a break unless I just haven't seen an announcement for the second season starting immediately after. We'll see what happens.

Also, the most recent chapter of the manga......this author is just amazing. That's all.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

リスニングのしゅくだい:鬼滅の刃 (9/8/19)

Image result for kimetsu no yaiba

Kimetsu no Yaiba is honestly way too good of a anime/manga. Shounen Jump is enjoying a nice era with a series like this and Boku no Hero Academia around, amongst others that I've heard are catching up in quality. I watched the most recent episode of Kimetsu no Yaiba this weekend and found it enjoyable (as I always do). The particular part of the story that the show is currently at is more transitionary, as one arc has just closed and the next is preparing to begin. The characters present in the story as of now also allowed for me to hear a wider array of formality from the characters, which I think is good for listening practice. As is often the case with anime, there's a fair amount of diversity in the speech patterns of the characters to begin with.

Quick plot info dump: this takes place in Japan, demons exist, demons eat people to survive and become stronger, the Demon Slayer Corp formed to fight back against them (currently in the early parts of the Taisho Era, so 1912 or so, which surprised me when that became apparent), the main character, Kamado Tanjiro, wants to turn his little sister, Nezuko, back into a human after the standard tragic catalyst that protagonists must face, plot starts moving.

If you like anime (especially shounen), this is really worth watching. If you like the anime so far, I can strongly recommend reading it (the manga should be ending soon, which is excellent for the anime). It is far more than just a series of fights. There is legitimate character and meaning given to so many of aspects of Kimetsu no Yaiba. Tanjiro serves as an excellent protagonist as well. The anime is extremely loyal to the manga and honestly, due to the quality of the animation studio, UFOTABLE, improves upon the artistic nature of the show thus far.

Also, the intro (Gurenge) and overall sound design (every episode has a really satisfying clip for the beginning) is phenomenal. The singer, LiSA, is rather popular; during the weekend that I spent in Tokyo, I saw advertising for the song and the anime literally everywhere in Akihabara.

Anyway, Kimetsu no Yaiba definitely earns the respect and admiration that it has been receiving (including the spike in popularity from Episode 19).

Sunday, September 1, 2019

私の日本料理を食べることのけいけん (9/1/19)


Sunday, April 28, 2019

私のホームタウン (4/28/19)



Monday, April 22, 2019



I watched the second half of the only season of No Game No Life this Easter Break. The show is about a pair of siblings who are effectively the best at games on the planet being transported to a world that relies on games and challenges to decide literally everything. Their goal after arriving is to challenge the god of the world, Tet, to a game and win, as they have never lost a game together and because they feel like it.

The second half of the show consists of them attempting to acquire the support of another race (which is how the various beings organize themselves) via a rather reckless (but effective) challenge in order to move forward in their challenge to Tet. As a result of my study of Japanese, I was better able to follow the flow of dialogue amongst characters. Some of the phrases and other words made more contextual sense to me. I greatly enjoyed watching the show play out and share in the sentiment that there really should be a second season. The ending can be reduced to sequel bait to be honest.

Regardless, I enjoyed it. It was certainly a fun show to watch, and the animation was fantastic.

Sunday, April 7, 2019


こんしゅまつはにほんクラブのイベントがありました。イリノイしゅうのシカゴにいきました。はっきり(To be exact)、どようびにミツワにいきました。ミツワはにほんのスーパーです。あそこでたくさんたべもの(food)をかいました(bought)。そして、もっとにほんのたべものをたべました。とてもたのしくて(fun/enjoyable)おもしろい(interesting)でした。にほんごをよみました。いいれんしゅうですよ。
そして、きんようびににほんのレストランでばんごはんをたべましたが、カラオケをしました。わたしはレストランでどんぶりをたべました。おいしかったですよ。たべるのあとで、カラオケをしました。うたう(To sing/Singing)のはゆかかった(joyful/amusing)です。

Sunday, March 31, 2019



Tuesday, March 19, 2019




Sunday, March 3, 2019



Monday, February 25, 2019


Image result for phantasy star online 2


ゲームダウンロ (Game Download)
キャラクタークリエイト (Character Creator)
ハンター (Hunter)
ファイター (Fighter)
レンジャー (Ranger)
ブレイバー (Braver)
フォース (Force)
バウンサー (Bouncer)
モノメイト (Monomate)
ソルアトマイザー (Sol Atomizer)

This game only has a Japanese version. There is a fan software and community that has an English translation patch for the majority of the necessary content. I actually used to play this game (long story) and was pleased when I realized that, since I had learned Katakana at some point in time, I could read a few important things without having to deal with the translation software. This became particularly useful when my English patch just stopped working.

Also, I have no idea if everything that I typed is actually coherent Japanese, I was uncertain on how one would say that something was written in Katakana so I aimed for "uses Katakana," but I also don't know the properties/implications of the verb that I selected. It made the most sense when I looked at it on Jisho (it's also commonly used, so that helps).

Sunday, February 17, 2019



Chicago is an amusing place. There's a great deal that one can experience and explore, both inside and outside of the downtown area. Moreover, a wide range of cultures are represented throughout the communities in the city. One of Chicago's relatively well-known characteristics is the quality of its organization and layout. Ironically, it is one of the most structurally segregated cities in the United States because of this, most notably seen in the separation of ethnicity and race by neighborhood.

Outside of that subtle segregation, the violence, and rampant political corruption, it's a fun and fascinating place to live.

Slight sarcasm aside, one of the primary draws of Chicago is the food diversity and quality, which takes complete advantage of the cultural spread of the city. Although I am a rather picky eater, I can certainly appreciate the endless opportunities to enjoy decent food. The city is also quite beautiful. Normally.

Image result for chicago

Sunday, February 10, 2019



My previous post details, at least in part, my interest in one of my majors. Although there is no overlap between Finance and Music Theory in terms of course load, I find them both to be paths worth pursuing. Ideally, I'll be able to work in music composition or production as quickly as possible. Should that not happen, I can either get a position working with a record label or some other company associated with the particular areas that I am interested in and move myself into the field that way.

I also have the option of entering into a finance position (or accounting position, a few interesting events have opened that path for me as well) and establishing connections/funding my music for myself later.

I have always had an interest in business and find it a practical and engaging way to obtain and exert influence in the world. Finance (and, after recent developments, accounting) takes advantage of my abilities and actively engages me in the world, while also preparing me to run my own businesses should that opportunity present itself.

My background for music is a far longer story than this blog post warrants, but it can be partially summarized as me enjoying the various components and challenges associated with the creation of music.

Regardless of what happens, it should be an amusing and fulfilling experience finessing my way into whatever catches my attention.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


Hajimemashite. Watashi wa レゲㇳ (Leggett) desu. Doozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

There are a lot of things that I enjoy doing whenever I have the chance to. I enjoy learning about, listening to, and creating music. One of my favorite producers is actually a Japanese native who unfortunately died in Tokyo around the time his career was ready to truly take off. His name, Nujabes, is an anagram of his actual name: Seba Jun. He inspired me a few years ago to pursue music production on a level that other influences have not. Furthermore, he solidified my interest in studying Japanese music production and composition, although that likely would have happened anyway considering the high caliber of musicians that have come from Japan.

Nujabes-Shiki no Uta feat. MINMI
The above link leads to one of the songs that he produced for Samurai Champloo (a highly entertaining anime). He is the mind behind the entire soundtrack, which most people agree to be a good thing. As a lover of jazzy things, I am one of them.

Not to say that other genres aren't fun, jazz just consistently gets my bias because reasons. Here's an example of something that isn't jazzy:
me-al art-もう人の僕に

I could easily make an extensive list of music that I enjoy or find interesting.

Creative pursuits generally interest me whether I'm partaking in them or not. For instance, I randomly write poetry and used to draw. Moreover, I have a great love of video games and anime. Music connects here as well. I can always appreciate something that is put together well. Both video games and anime are excellent sources for that, some more than others. Part of this is due to my love of learning. I tend to study whatever catches my attention, so I end up knowing a fair amount about my interests.

The depressing part of this is that I simply do not have the time to actually do everything that I want to. Time remains the most valuable resource for mankind, I suppose.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Why I Chose to Take Japanese

I chose to study Japanese because I find the language interesting and have a great appreciation of Japan culturally and historically. Furthermore, I have interest in studying abroad (perhaps even working briefly) in Japan and quite frankly think that someone should at least be familiar with the language of a country that he or she is visiting if at all possible. I am excited to have the opportunity to formally learn Japanese and practice my speaking with more people.
